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Call Recording API

2 min read

The recording API allows to start and stop recording of ongoing calls. It is possible to start and stop recording multiple time on the same call. So it is possible to record only certain sections of a call. The recorded files will be transfered to the customers sftp-server. see:

Start call recording:

Start call recording for the call with the provided call_uuid.



Request Parameter:

access_key String TheAPI access Key. It can be found in the menu MY ACCOUNT–>General Settings in the section API in the customer portal.
call_uuid String The uuid of the call that should be recorded.

Example of a successful request:


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "e3163745-1fbe-4b28-bf58-6e6030ca8ace"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

   "recording_uuid": "8101fcb3-3843-4db3-9829-f7ab586625fe"

Examples of invalid requests:

DieserThis error is returned if a wrong or invalid call_uuid provided.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "a"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

   "error_code": "INVALID_VALUE",
   "error_message": "Invalid parameter type or format",
   "fields": [

Stop call recording:

Stop call recording for the call with the provided call_uuid.



Request Parameter:

access_key String The API Access Key. It can be found in the menu MY ACCOUNT –> General Settings in the section API in the customer portal.
recording_uuid String The uuid of the recording that should be stopped.

Example of a successful request:


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "e3163745-1fbe-4b28-bf58-6e6030ca8ace",
   "recording_uuid": "1f92df20-f643-4105-bdbf-104c98aba611"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

   "success": "true"

Examples of invalid requests:

This error is returned if a wrong or invalid recording_uuid was provided.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "e3163745-1fbe-4b28-bf58-6e6030ca8ace",
   "recording_uuid": "a"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

"error_code": "INVALID_VALUE",
"error_message": "Invalid parameter type or format",
"fields": [