Call Control API specification
Here you will find the specific attributes and examples for each block type.
- BRIDGE block | Call forwarding to target number, SIP account or SIP trunk
- ANNOUNCEMENT block | Playback an announcement
- SAY block | Playback announcement via Text-to-Speech
- ROUTINGPLAN block | Dynamic routingplan integration
- COLLECT DIGITS block | Entry of digits via DTMF
- COLLECT SPEECH block | Speech Recognition (ASR)
- HANGUP block | Cancellation of a call
- CALL SETTINGS block | Changing call parameters
- REFER block | SIP trunk Call Handling
BRIDGE block
Initiates Call Forward via external target number, SIP account or SIP trunk.
bridgeMode | Can be SEQUENTIAL or PARALLEL . The destinations will be called sequentially (one after the other, each with individual timeout), or in parallel (with one total block timeout) |
destinations | A list of destinations. Each destination has:
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "BRIDGE", "destinations": [ { "destination": "1001", "destinationType": "SIP_USER", "timeout": 25 }, { "destination": "+4978787878", "destinationType": "EXTERNALNUMBER", "timeout": 30 } ], "bridgeMode": "SEQUENTIAL" } ] }
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "BRIDGE", "blockTimeout": 50, "destinations": [ { "destination": "1001", "destinationType": "SIP_USER" }, { "destination": "+4978787878", "destinationType": "EXTERNALNUMBER" } ], "bridgeMode": "PARALLEL" } ] }
Using this block, announcements that were loaded in the TENIOS customer portal can be played.
standardAnnouncement | true or false
announcementName | The name of the announcement. Please use the TENIOS customer portal to look up the announcements available to you |
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "ANNOUNCEMENT", "standardAnnouncement": false, "announcementName": "MySpecialAnnouncement" } ] }
SAY block
text | The text which should be spoken. |
voiceName | The name of the voice with which the text is transmitted. The syntax looks like this: <language>. <gender>. <n> The following languages are available: en, en-au, en-gb, de, da, nl, fr, it, ja, ko, nb, pl, pt, ro, ru, es, sv, tr gender indicates whether the voice is male or female. n can take the values 1 or 2, where 2 is an alternative voice variant (not available in all languages). example: de.female.1, de.male.1 List of the available languages: en.female.1)*, en.female.2, en.female.3)*, en.male.2, de.female.1, de.female.2)*, de.female.3, de.female.4, de.female.5, de.female.6 (Swiss), de.male.1 de.male.2, de.male.3, de.male.4, a.male.1, a.female.1, nl.female.1, nl.female.2, nl.male.1, en-gb.female.1, en-gb.female.2, en-gb.male.1, en-gb.male.2, fr.female.1, fr.female.2, fr.female.3, fr.female.4 (Swiss), fr.male.1, fr.male.2, fr.male.3, it.female.1, it.female.2, polly.carla, it.male.1, ja.female.1, ja.female.2, ja.male.1, ko.female.1, ko.female.2, nb.female.1, pl.female.1, pl.male.1, pt.female.1, pt.male.1, ro.female.1, ru.female.1, ru.male.1, es.female.1, es.female.2, es.male.1, sv.female.1, sv.female.2, tr.female.1, tr.female.2, hi.female.1 |
useSsml | true or false SSML can be used to enhance voice generation by inserting special tags. See: or the full specification. For a simpler introduction, we would recommend Amazon’s page on SSML Please note, that TENIOS does not support Amazon-specific tags. Do not wrap the entire text in tags (it is automatically wrapped by our system).. |
* Voices with a higher quality
SAY example
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "SAY", "text": "Hello, how are you doing?", "voiceName": "de.female.3", "useSsml": false } ] }
This block can be used to integrate pre-defined routingplans in the call flow.
routingplanName | The name of the Named_Routing Please use the TENIOS customer portal to look up the Named_Routingplan available to you. Please make sure to use the exact name (including upper/lower case) as is used on the portal. |
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "ROUTINGPLAN", "routingplanName": "MySpecialRouting" } ] }
standardAnnouncement | true or false
announcementName | The name of the announcement. Please use the TENIOS customer portal to look up the announcements available to you |
standardErrorAnnouncement | true or false For the error announcement, but analogous to “standardAnnouncement “. |
errorAnnouncementName | The name of the error announcement For the error announcement, but analogous to “announcementName”. |
variableName | The name of the variable. Only lowercase alphanumeric and _ characters are allowed. |
allowSpeechInput Optional | true or false (Default is false) Allows detection of speech input, in addition to detecting DTMF input. |
language Optional | The language of the speech input (default is en-US) See COLLECT_SPEECH Block |
asrProvider Optional | Automatic speech recognition provider (Default is “GOOGLE”). It can be either “GOOGLE”, “MICROSOFT” or “OPENAI”. |
minDigits | The minimum number of digits to be entered via DTMF. You can allow between 1 and 32 digits. |
maxDigits | The maximum number of digits to be entered via DTMF. You can allow between 1 and 32 digits. |
terminator | The terminator for ending the DTMF input It can be either * or # benutzt werden. |
maxTries | The maximum number of retries on invalid or missing DTMF input You can allow up to 10 tries |
timeout | The timeout (in seconds) per try The maximum timeout is 300 seconds. (Please don’t confuse this with the “blockTimeout” parameter of some other blocks.) |
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "COLLECT_DIGITS", "standardAnnouncement": false, "announcementName": "MySpecialAnnouncement", "standardErrorAnnouncement": false, "errorAnnouncementName": "MySpecialErrorAnnouncement", "variableName": "my_var", "allowSpeechInput": true, "asrProvider": "GOOGLE", "language": "de-DE", "minDigits": 1, "maxDigits": 5, "terminator": "#", "maxTries": 3, "timeout": 10 } ] }
This block provides automatic speech recognition (ASR – Automatic Speech Recognition). For example, this block can be used to request the caller to formulate his or her request or information using natural language. The speech is recorded and sent in the background to the Speech-to-Text Cloud services from Google, Amazon or Microsoft, depending on the option selected. The recognized text is stored in a variable and delivered with the subsequent HTTPS POST-Requests of the API.
standardAnnouncement | Defines if the (main) announcement is a sytem announcement provided by tenios or a custom one. Can be true or false
announcementName Optional | The name of the announcement. Please use the TENIOS customer portal to look up the announcements available to you. If you use the TTS function with the parameter “text”, playback of existing announcements is not possible. Please do not set this parameter, otherwise you will receive an error. |
standardMissingInputAnnouncement Optional | Defines if the announcement which is played when no speech input is recognized is a sytem announcement provided by tenios or a custome one. Can be true or false, analogous to “standardAnnouncement ” Only use with parameter “announcementName”. |
missingInputAnnouncementName Optional | The name of the missing input announcement-For the missing input announcement, but analogous to “announcementName”. Only use with parameter “announcementName”. |
text Optional | The text which should be spoken. (Text-to-Speech / TTS function) If TTS is used, please delete “announcementName”, “standardMissingInputAnnouncement” und “missingInputAnnouncementName” in your json-request. |
voiceName Optional | The name of the voice with which the text is transmitted. The syntax looks like this: <language>. <gender>. <n> Only use with TTS and parameter “text”. see SAY-block |
useSsml Optional | true or false SSML can be used to enhance voice generation by inserting special tags. Only use with TTS and parameter “text”. see SAY-block |
asrProvider | Automatic speech recognition provider (Default is “GOOGLE”). It can be either “GOOGLE”, “MICROSOFT” or “OPENAI”. |
asrProviderConfigurationName Optional | The name of one of your ASR provider configurations. This is an advanced option. If specified, an ASR provider configuration which you can define in the Tenios Customer Portal will be used instead of our integrated ASR provider setups. Please note:
language | The language of the speech input Must be in the format of “xx-YY”, where xx is a two-letter language code (ISO 639), and YY is a two-letter country code (ISO 3166). Examples would be “en-GB” for British English, or “de-DE” for German (Germany).Not every language/country combination is supported. Our current list is:ar-ar-AE, ar-BH, ar-DZ, ar-EG, ar-IL, ar-IQ, ar-JO, ar-KW, ar-LB, ar-MA, ar-OM, ar-PS, ar-QA, ar-SA, ar-TN, bg-BG, ca-ES, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, de-CH (Swiss), el-GR, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-GH, es-CR, es-DO, es-EC, es-ES, es-GT, es-HN, es-MX, es-NI, es-PA, es-PE, es-PR, es-PY, es-SV, es-US, es-UY, es-VE, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, fr-CH (Swiss), he-IL, hi-IN, hr-HR, hu-HU, id-ID, is-IS, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, ms-MY, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI, sr-RS, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, vi-VN |
alternativeLanguages Optional | Alternative language codes as a list, with each value in format “xx-YY”, see the language parameter. This uses the Multiple Language Recognition feature, which Google offers Multiple Language Recognition Note: This feature is currently not supported when “asrProvider”:“MICROSOFT” is selected Note: Google currently allows a maximum of 3 alternativeLanguages. |
variableName | The name of the variable. Only lowercase alphanumeric and _ characters are allowed. The value of the COLLECTED-Variable is available in subsequent call control requests (as well as other external posts), prefixed with „collected_“. So if your variable name is “my_var”, then it will be available under the name “collected_my_var”. |
datatype Optional | The name of the data type. dataType allows you to specify a specific expected data type to be used. The list can be expanded in the future. The following values are currently allowed:
Please note: If a datatype is specified, setting the asrProvider has not effect. Also setting the parameter audioPushUrl will have no affect, because the audio file is not available when the parameter datatype is set. |
maxTries | The maximum number of retries on invalid or missing DTMF input You can allow up to 10 tries. |
keywordHints Optional | A list of strings that contain words and phrases as “clues” to improve recognition. These are then passed to the Google API (see SpeechContext) |
timeout Optional | The maximum time for recording, it can be a maximum of 59s. Note, this is the maximum recording time, if the caller says nothing more and “silence” is recognized, the recording can be stopped earlier. |
audioPushUrl Optional | A URL to which the audio file recorded for speech recognition should be posted. The file is transferred with the content type “audio/wav” in WAV format. Only URLs with the HTTPS protocol are supported. The parameter will have no affect when the parameter datatype is also set, because the audio file is not available in that case. |
asrStart Optional | It is possible to start the recording for ASR before the played announcement ends. In the request you can define if this functionality should be enabled. Choose the parameter “END_OF_OUTPUT”, if ASR should start before the end of the announcement. With “BEGINNING_OF_OUTPUT” you choose to trigger ASR after the start of the announcement. |
asrStartOffsetMs Optional | Defines the value in ms when the recording for ASR should start before the played announcement ends. If you have selected “END_OF_OUTPUT” you can set eg. -500. ASR will startet 500ms before the announcement ends. With “BEGINNING_OF_OUTPUT” you can set eg. 3000, ASR will trigger 3 seconds after the announcement has started. |
eventUrl Optional | A URL to post events that occur during the execution of the COLLECT_SPEECH block. At the moment only DTMF events are implemented, which are generated as soon as an input is made via the telephone keypad. |
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks" : [ { "blockType": "COLLECT_SPEECH", "standardAnnouncement": false, "announcementName": "MySpecialAnnouncement", "standardMissingInputAnnouncement": false, "missingInputAnnouncementName": "MySpecialMissingInputAnnouncement", "text": "Hello, how are you doing?", "missingInputText": "Sorry, can you please repeat?", "voiceName": "en.female.3", "useSsml": false, "asrProvider":"GOOGLE", "asrProviderConfigurationName": "MYASRprovider", "language": "de-DE", "alternativeLanguages": ["en-US","fr-FR"], "variableName": "myvar", "datatype": "datatype-address", "maxTries": 3, "keywordHints": [ "word1", "word2" ], "audioPushUrl": "", "asrStart": "END_OF_OUTPUT" or "BEGINNING_OF_OUTPUT", "asrStartOffsetMs": -500 or 3000 } ] }
HANGUP block
It can be used to terminate a call.
hangupCause | The following list of reason-codes contains detailed information about the underlying reason for hanging up a call:
HANGUP example
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "HANGUP", "hangupCause": "USER_BUSY" } ] }
forwardAni Optional | CallerID. “ANI” property, which allows to override the ANI for all following bridge/originate commands (until another CALL_SETTINGS block overrides this again). |
acdPriority Optional | In ACD blocks, if this flag is set to true, the call is given priority over other calls which do not have this flag set. |
customSipVariables Optional | Allows setting custom SIP headers for REFER and BRIDGE blocks. When passed to customer’s system the variable names get automatically the prefix “X-TCC”:
e.g.: “X-TCC-variable_A” The maximum length of both variable names and values is restricted to 300 characters. The following characters can be used:
It is possible to remove custom SIP variables by setting them to null (see example 2 below). |
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "CALL_SETTINGS", "forwardAni": "+4930700", "acdPriority": true, "customSipVariables": [ { "name": "variable_A", "value": "variable_A_value" }, { "name": "variable_B", "value": "variable_B_value" } ] }, { "blockType": "BRIDGE", "destinations": [ { "destination": "CUSTOM_SIP_TRUNK", "destinationType": "SIP_TRUNK", "timeout": "25" } ], "bridgeMode": "SEQUENTIAL" } ] }
REFER block
This block sends a SIP REFER message with the configured SIP URI back to the SIP Trunk and terminates the call.
uri |
The sip uri which will be put into the the Refer-To header in the related REFER message. |
REFER block example
HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)
{ "blocks": [ { "blockType": "REFER", "uri": "" } ] }