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Number routing

< 1 min read

On this page you can configure the routing of your phone numbers. By clicking the button XLS / CSV you can download the routing overview as excel file.   The following actions are available:

Configure DDIs

If your number is DDI enabled (Direct Dial In), you can create DDI numbers for your base phone-number – these can be up to 5 digits long. After set up, the DDIs (including the base phone number) will appear in the number overview. You can set up separate routings for each of those DDIs.


Add routing

This button is only active, if no routing is set up yet for the given phone number. Clicking on “Add Routing” enables you to assign a routing to your DDI-enabled phone number.


Route to Trunk

Clicking on “Route to Trunk” enables you to assign a routing to a SIP Trunk.


Edit Routing

Clicking on “Edit” will open the existing routing plan in edit mode. Please find more information about the routing blocks on our documentation page.