Transfer Call API

With the Transfer Call API it is possible to transfer calls. For example, a call can first be forwarded to a call center, and then transferred to a specialist if required.

Initiate Transfer call:

This method is used to transfer a call. For a call to be transferred, it must already be forwarded to a destination and connected.



Request parameter:

access_key The access key for the API. This can be found in the customer portal under the menu item MY ACCOUNT/ General Settings in the API section.
call_uuid The UUID of the call to be transferred.
destinationn_type The type of destination to which the call should be transferred. The possible values are

  • EXTERNALNUMBER – For transfer to a number in the PSTN.
  • SIP_USER – For transfer to a SIP account.
  • SIP_TRUNK – For transfer to a SIP trunk.


destination The destination, depending on the destination_type.

  • EXTERNALNUMBER – A phone number in international format (E.164), with leading plus sign, e.g. +492215540030.
  • SIP_USER – The user name of the SIP account.
  • SIP_TRUNK – The user name of the SIP trunk.


Response parameter:

success boolean true if successful, otherwise an error message.


Example of a successful request:


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "destination_type": "EXTERNALNUMBER",
   "destination": "+4922155400300"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

   "success": true

Examples of incorrect requests:

This error is returned if an invalid input was specified at the sip_uri parameter.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "destination_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "destination": "+4922155400300"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

   "success": false,
   "error_code": "INVALID_VALUE",
   "error_message": "Invalid parameter type or format",
   "fields": [
} }
This error is returned if an incorrect or invalid input was given to the call_uuid parameter.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "123456789",
   "sip_uri": "sip:4044@;user=phone"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

   "error_code": "INVALID_FIELD",
   "error_message": "Invalid 'call_uuid' input parameter. Invalid value - '1234567890'.",
   "fields": [
This error is returned if a parameter is missing.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

   "error_code": "INVALID_JSON",
   "error_message": "An invalid JSON object was provided in the request body.",
   "fields": []
This error is returned if the uuid of the call was not found.


   "access_key": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX",
   "call_uuid": "c0b93a5e-4ce0-4adb-940e-5079f2abbcb4",
   "destination_type": "EXTERNALNUMBER",
   "destination": "+4922155400300"

API Response:

HTTP Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

   "success": false,
   "error_code": "CALL_UUID_NOT_FOUND",
   "error_message": "The call wasn't found",
   "fields": [