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This introduction shows you how to configure a VoiceBot within the TENIOS customer portal and how to integrate into your routing.
.To view detailed step-by-step instructions, please select your bot provider.
Google Dialogflow - Manual
A requirement for the integration is the previous configuration of your bot in Google Dialogflow.

Create a VoiceBot

  1. The VoiceBot can be configured in the TENIOS customer portal. Please select VoiceBot configurations in the sidebar under the menu item Setup. With a click on “Add new configuration” you can create your VoiceBot: .. .. . .
  2. Open the edit mode and enter Name and Description (optional). Afterwards please select the Type (Dialogflow) and the Service Account Key:.. . … …
  3. Press Save to complete the configuration.
  4. Afterwards you can generate the voice flow of your bot by clicking the button Generate graph. The graphic is generated based on the intents defined in Dialogflow. ..


Integrate your VoiceBot into routing

  1. Go to Number Routing.
  2. Now you can select the configured VoiceBot within the dropdown menu. Please select the block VoiceBot. Configured VoiceBots can be included into the routing plan directly.
  3. Please fill in all required fields. The settings for the Action mappings are optional. VoiceBots Configuration
VoiceBot Select a configured VoiceBot.
Input locale Define the language in which the VoiceBot should interpret the speech input.
Output voice Define the language of the VoiceBot.
Start Event Sent to Dialogflow at the beginning of a conversation where an event with the specified name is triggered. An intend, (e.g., a greeting) may then be triggered on this event.
Default action on error The “Default action on error” option can be used to define an action that is triggered as soon as an error occurs. An announcement can be defined as an action, as well as the forwarding to a destination number, a SIP trunk, a SIP account or another routing plan.
Action A word that should be recognized in the speech input to trigger a specific action.A comma-separated list of words could also be used here. Afterwards, the keywords are evaluated with an “OR” logic: “Keyword A ” OR “Keyword B”. The corresponding action is executed if one of the keywords in the row matches. A keyword can also consist of a term with several words separated by a blank, e.g. “invoice online”.
RASA - Manual
A requirement for the integration is the previous configuration of your bot in RASA.

VoiceBot Configuration for your RASA agent

  1. First, please login to your account in the TENIOS customer portal. _
  2. Go to the menu item “VoiceBot Configurations“. _ Voicebot Configuration RASA _
  3. Click the button “Add new configuration“. _
  4. Please create a new VoiceBot Configuration of TypeRASA”. In the field URL, please enter the URL which leads to the RASA server, that is used. Please choose “Token-Based” in the field Auth Type. _ Rasa configuration


VoiceBot Block

  1. Now go to the menu item “Number Routing” within the TENIOS customer portal. _
  2. Open the routingplan you want to edit. Please choose the block “Voice Bot” and enter the settings as shown below. _ Voicebot block RASA 1 _
VoiceBot Select a configured VoiceBot.
Input locale Define the language in which the VoiceBot should interpret the speech input.
Output voice Define the language of the VoiceBot.
Start intent Sent to RASA at the beginning of a conversation where an event with the specified name is triggered. An intent, (e.g., a greeting) may then be triggered on this event. Please find the instructions below.
Default action on error The “Default action on error” option can be used to define an action that is triggered as soon as an error occurs. An announcement can be defined as an action, as well as the forwarding to a destination number, a SIP trunk, a SIP account or another routing plan.
Action mappings A word that should be recognized in the speech input to trigger a specific action. A comma-separated list of words could also be used here. Afterwards, the keywords are evaluated with an “OR” logic: “Keyword A ” OR “Keyword B”. The corresponding action is executed if one of the keywords in the row matches. A keyword can also consist of a term with several words separated by a blank, e.g. “invoice online”.

JSON request:


   "blocks": [
         "blockType": "VOICE_BOT",
         "configurationName": "Voicebot_test",
         "locale": "de",
         "voiceName": "de.female.4",
         "startEvent": "tenios_start",
         "actions": [
               "destination": "+492217474747",
               "destinationType": "EXTERNALNUMBER",
               "timeout": 30,
               "key": "Wetter"